Determining Lightwear Size
We use Interpupillary distance (IPD) to select the right size for you. Having the right size will improve content clarity and result in a more comfortable experience. If your IPD is less than 65mm, we recommend Size 1. If your IPD is equal to or greater than 65mm, we recommend Size 2.
IPD Definition
Interpupillary distance (IPD) is the distance between your pupils measured in millimeters
Determining IPD
- Use an online tool or app. Search “IPD measurement” to find the one that works best for you. If you need some help deciding, we suggest GlassesOn on Android or EyeMeasure on iOS.
- Use a mirror and ruler. Stand about 8 inches away from a mirror. Hold a ruler against a mirror beneath the reflection of your eyes. Close your right eye and look into the pupil of your left eye. Line your pupil up with the 0 on the ruler. Now open your right eye and close your left. Look into the pupil of your right eye. The millimeter measurement on the ruler that lines up with your right pupil is your IPD.
- Ask your eye doctor.
Can you help me decide what sizes to purchase for my company?
Approximately 65% to 75% of consumers purchase a size 1 device. If the device is going to be shared, we recommend size 1. Please note, this statistic may change over time.