Shoot us a message
Select General Inquiry or Troubleshooting below to submit a request and someone from our Customer Care team will be in touch. We're available Monday through Friday.
You can also give us a call at one of the numbers below.
Have a question about Magic Leap and its products, a question about an order, or something? Fill out and submit your question through our General Inquiry form. If you're having issues with your Magic Leap device, or part of our software ecosystem, please use the Troubleshooting form.
Having an issue with your Magic Leap device? Fill out and submit your question through our Troubleshooting form and we'll be in touch. If you have a general question about Magic Leap, question about an order, or something else — please use our General Inquiry form.
Austria: + 0800297396
Belgium: + 080072273
Denmark: + 800254357
Finland: + 0800916145
France: + 0800908646
Germany: + 08000008879
Ireland: + 1800903084
Italy: + 0800780872
Netherlands: + 08000228131
Poland: + 008001125412
Portugal: + 800827573
Spain: + 0800654794
Sweden: + 0200430680
Switzerland: + 0800561498
Saudi Arabia: + 8008501348
United Arab Emirates: + 80001830395
United Kingdom: + 08000478405