Some enterprise environments may require users to connect their devices to wireless networks using wireless certificates that are provided to users. This guide explains how to install those wireless certificates on your Magic Leap 2.
- You'll need to have Magic Leap Hub installed
- Your Magic Leap 2 will need to have developer mode enabled, and set to trust unrecognized sources
- Wireless certificates downloaded on the same computer as Magic Leap Hub
Supported Certificate Types
- EAP-TLS Authentication
- CA Root Cert (in PEM format) and Client Cert (in PKCS#12/PFX format)
- EAP-TTLS Authentication
- CA Root Cert (in PEM format) and username/password
- EAP-TTLS doesn't require a Client Cert
Installing Certificates
The following instructions demonstrate how to add the certificates to your device and then install both a root and user certificate.
Add Certificates to the Device
- Copy the root certificate and user certificate to the device's "Downloads" folder using Magic Leap Hub, or using ADB commands. Below is an example of pushing certificates to the device's Download folder via ADB. These examples assume the following:
- You're running the ADB commands from the same directory the certificate files are in
- Your device has USB debugging enabled
- Your device is connected to your computer, and is recognized when running "adb devices"
$ adb push mltest01_user_cert_with_privkey.pfx /sdcard/Download
$ adb push mltestdomain-root.cer /sdcard/Download
$ adb push mltest03/mltest03.pfx /sdcard/Download
$ adb push mltest03/mltestdomain-root-CA.cer /sdcard/Download
- Verify the files appears in the "Downloads" folder on your Magic Leap 2.
- On your Magic Leap, go to "Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Preferences".
- Click "Install certificates"
Install User Certificates
- If you're not already in the "Downloads" folder, click the icon on the top-left to select the "Downloads" folder
- Change to list view by clicking the icon on the top-right and selecting "List View"
- Select the user certificate to be installed ("mltest01_user_cert_with_privkey.pfx" in the example)
- Enter the certificate’s password to extract the certificate
- Provide an easy-to-remember name for the certificate to help identify the certificate when setting up the network
- Change the "Credential use" to "Wi-Fi" from the drop down menu
- Click OK to complete the installation
- A message “<cert_name> is installed” will briefly show at the bottom of the screen
Install Root Certificates
- Select "Install certificates" again
- Navigate to the "Downloads" folder if not already there
- Select the CA root certificate to be installed ("mltestdomain-root.cer" in the example)
- Provide an easy-to-remember name for the certificate to help identify the certificate when setting up the network
- Change the "Credential use" setting to Wi-Fi from the drop-down menu
- Click OK to complete the installation
- A message “<cert_name> is installed” will briefly show at the bottom of the screen