Magic Leap 2's controller has a single LED dot. Different combinations of colors and flashes communicate different pieces of information about the controller's status.
LED | Meaning |
Controller Boot Up Controller is waking up. |
Controller Shut down Shut down starts with a long press of the power button. |
Controller On Controller is on and working properly. |
Controller Standby Controller is in a low power state ready to go into sleep mode. |
Controller Critical Battery Charging The LED will pulse white and red when the compute pack is charging while the battery is 5% or less. |
Controller Critical Battery Unplugged Controller is at critically low charge. |
Controller Charging Controller is charging. |
Controller Bluetooth Pairing Compute pack and controller are pairing. |
Controller Bluetooth Pairing Success Compute pack and controller have successfully paired. |
Controller Bluetooth Pairing Failure Compute pack and controller have not paired.Compute pack and controller have not paired. |
Controller Updating Update is in progress. |
Controller Updating Failure Update has failed. |
Controller Generic Success Device successfully completed action. This is paired with other patterns to confirm the action is successful. |
Controller Generic Failure Device failed attempted action. |
Controller Firmware Mismatch Controller and compute pack have different firmware versions. |